Donnerstag, 4. August 2011

Secret Breakfast in Yazd

The park is calm as we wake up in our hammocks. This night was another proof that camping in Iran is a good option for accommodation.

A homeless guy pours himself a first cup of chai. Some loud voices come nearer. It's a group of Indian looking men from Beludshistan - a supposedly dodgy and dangerous region bordering Pakistan. They sit down, marvel at our hammocks and invite for a Chai. We're more up for a whole breakfast so we make our way into the city center. Since we cannot eat on the streets and no restaurant is open during Ramadan we buy some groceries in a mini market. The nearby Internet cafe allowes us to eat there.

Amir Chakmak-Moschee. Yazd. Wüste. Iran
Eventhough we have explored other bazaars already, the Yazd one is a stunning labyrinth. The mosques are beautiful. We meet German tourists and exchange some stories.

At noon time we set off. Short lifts with Ali and Hossein bring us close to the junction to Shiraz. As we got further south in Iran the more difficult it got to explain our way of travel. People only understand after 10 or fifteen minutes.

"Salem. Es me man Craig has. Shavar Majani Shodan?"
On the fringe of the city we stand by the road. Dario is attracted by the bakery. Lonely I'm waving my hand in the desert. Luckily Moshdawa stops his truck next to me. He's going in our direction.

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